Around The World In Food

Around the world in food


Eastern European cuisine is generally lesser known among the Western European countries, let alone in the rest of the world - huge mistake! Although less influental than French, Italian, Spanish etc. cuisine, it is not any less delicious and has its own characteristics.

Many dishes from these countries were inspired purely by the lack of money and the are highly influenced by the weather and the seasonal goods available. I remember from my childhood eating cabbages and green peas all the time in the winter, pear and plum pies in the summer and lots and lots of apples in the autumn until we got sick of them eventually. Oh, and lots of meat, mainly pork - hungarians just love meat, so much that the majority of our dishes contain some part of a pig (meat, blood, intestines, skin, ears, literally everything).

Perhaps one of the most famous dishes from this country is the Goulas ("Gulyás") soup. It's a chunky soup with lots of vegetables, meat and most of all, paprika powder. Here is a traditional recipe to prepare this dish.

The almighty Goulash soup


  • 500g diced stew beef
  • 4 large red onions
  • 2 large carrots
  • 1 large parsnip
  • 5-6 potatoes
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 3 california peppers
  • cumin
  • garlic
  • parsley
  • paprika powder


  1. Chop the onions, and fry it in a large pan on some oil.
  2. Add the beef and cook for a few minutes, until it becomes white.
  3. Add some salt and pepper, then pour about 1.5liter of water on it. Not add the paprika powder (it can easily get burnt, hence only add after pouring the water on the meat).
  4. Wait untl the water is boiling, then add the whole garlic cloves, tomatoes and season with cumin. Cover the pan and let it simmer on low heat for about an hour. Taste occasionally and adjust seasoning as you like
  5. Now add the carrots, parsnip, california peppers, potatoes and parsley, plus top up with some water. Cover and cook it for about another half an hour, until the vegetables become soft.
  6. Some people serve it with traditional home-made little pieces of pasta called "csipetke", but sour cream is a must.
  7. Enjoy! :)